CYO is back! - St. John's Academy

CYO is back!

We are happy to share that we are preparing for a full return of the St. John’s CYO program this season!

We anticipate a full Girls Volleyball season for girls in grades 5-8, with registration opening later this summer. Basketball for boys and girls grades K-8 will open for registration in October.

A few other things…

✔ Coaches and volunteers are needed! Learn more about the great opportunities to be a part of this amazing program and contact us if you can help in any way.

✔ Spread the word! The program is open to St. John’s parish/CCD members as well as students of St. John’s Academy. If you know any families/players that may be interested in joining, please direct them to our website ( to learn more and to subscribe to receive the latest news & updates.

We’re excited to be back and looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

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