Volleyball Evaluations: Grade 7 - St. John's Academy

Volleyball Evaluations: Grade 7

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Volleyball Evaluations: Grade 7

September 7, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Why are evaluations needed?
Our goal is for all teams to be structured as optimally as possible to ensure a fun and competitive experience for all players. As a competitive league, CYO divisions are organized based on skillset, and therefore the teams in each division are expected to be on par with the skill level of that division. Determining which team provides the best likelihood of each player having a fun and competitive experience requires an evaluation.

How does it work?
It is run similar to a practice, with various drills and exercises to demonstrate different capabilities. It is very low pressure and there is no specific skill level required. Coaches of the teams, along with members of the Sports Association Board and others that are unrelated to the teams in question, are present to provide impartial input and assessment.

Are these tryouts? Will they get cut if they don’t do well?
This is not a tryout to see if your child will make the team. Everyone will be on a team and everyone will play. This is just to assess each player’s skill level so they are placed appropriately.

How are the teams chosen and by who?
While overall ability is certainly a core element, numerous factors are considered including size, age/grade distribution, the competition level of division each team is expected to be placed in, etc. Though the team coaches lead the evaluation session and provide their input and recommendations, the final determination of teams is made by the Sports Association, not by the individual coaches. All decisions are final.

Is my child required to attend?
We strongly recommend every effort is made to attend so there is no “guesswork” as to a player’s ability. This will reduce the chance of a placement that is a less than ideal fit.

What should they bring/wear?
Just like a practice, wear volleyball appropriate clothing/sneakers, knee pads, and bring a water bottle. All players must have already submitted waiver/consent forms or bring them that day.

Can parents stay and watch?
No, this is a drop-off and pick-up event.


September 7, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Saint Johns Academy
2 Hillsdale Ave
Hillsdale, NJ United States